Hallo Bart,

whatever, now we have 2035, 2.0.35, 1.1.35, and 0.0.35 all as version numbers ;)

...and 2035, 2035a (why not rename them to STABLE?) and 2035a-UNSTABLE releases ;)

Just have to send Ralf Brown another email as my previous mod to interrupt.f will be obsolete.

...in the hope that the probability of releasing the next version of the RBIL is greater than the probability of releasing the next version of the GPL (and neither of them is zero ;-)

Anyway most references other than RBIL tell that the serial number isn't used as such.

True. Moreover, the IBM PC-DOS 7 technical reference update (http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/gg244459.pdf) says:

===== start quote =====

30H — Get DOS Version Number


Returns the DOS version number.


        PUSH    CX                      ; CX destroyed in call
        PUSH    BX
        MOV     AH,30H          ; Function Call – Get PC DOS 7
                                        ; Version
        INT     21H                     ; Issue request to DOS
        MOV     MajorVersion,AL ; Save Version
        MOV     MinorVersion,AH
        MOV     DOS_Running_From,BH     ;
        POP     BX
        POP     CX
MajorVersion    DB ?            ; X of X.YY
MinorVersion    DB ?            ; YY of X.YY
DOS_Running_From        DB ?            ; 0 = DOS not running in ROM
DOS_Running_From        DB ?            ; 8 = DOS running in ROM


On entry, AH contains 30H. On return, CX is set to 0. AL contains the major version number. AH contains the minor version number. BH contains 8 or 0 for DOS running or not running in ROM.

If AL returns a major version number of 0, you can assume that the DOS version is pre-DOS 2.00.

Use function call 33H AL=6 (Get or Set System Value) to get the true version number.

===== end quote =====

Not that it says "On return, CX is set to 0".

So, the RBIL is just one of the references - not to be absolutised.

www.htl-steyr.ac.at/~morg/ pcinfo/hardware/interrupts/inte2zlc.htm

That URL doesn't work. The correct URL (without the extra space) is:


tells us that " - the OEM serial number is a rarity, though some older OEM DOS versions implemented this feature". Most likely 32RTM wouldn't run on those older OEM DOS versions either then.


This patch won't apply without manual tweaks Lucho, please fix your email client.

I can't fix Opera - it's closed source ;-)

Lines were wrapped and indentation also messed up (hard tabs?).

Sorry. From now on, I'll enclose my eventual patches as plain text attachments. They'll work then.

There's also a pointless "optimization", that the compiler can do for us as well.

Will Watcom (the only compiler you recognise) do this? Borland won't, I'm sure. So my optimisation is NOT pointless.

By the way, Bart, as an OpenWatcom contributor, would you please post news here and on fd-devel when version 1.3 is officially released? Thanks.


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