Hallo Bart and Tom,

In this case, instead of pursuing a technical solution (Open Watcom is open source so can be changed) to reach a certain goal, you suggest I go for an illegal black-box solution, the cowards' way out.

All right, I was a fly, now I'm a coward. Very well. Perhaps I'm something like a flying coward :)

By ignoring Borland's copyright you indirectly hurt the OW project because the other means to reach your goal would be to modify it.

All right, Bart, I feel like an elephant in a glass store here - whatever I do breaks something. I don't understand why I hurt OpenWatcom?! I like this compiler very much and if you help me achieve smaller compressed kernel size with it, I'll gladly drop Borland, because I don't like it at all!

Otherwise I find your comments very interesting and must agree with most of them.

Not only Bulgarians. 3/4 of the world thinks so. And many Americans and Germans too, by the way.

there is a german saying 'hey guys - eat shit! Billions of flies can't be wrong'

So we're just billions of flies to you. Very well :) Otherwise it's a great anti-fashion proverb.

information is as much a product as a car or a house, and it costs similar effort.

I disagree. Building 1000 houses costs one almost 1000 times more than a single house. Making 1000 copies of a program costs one much less than developing the program itself. It's a false analogy.

Aren't 100000 copies of Windows enough to cover its development costs? But no, they sell 100000000, with an 100000% profit! What's this if not a huge exploitation of the whole world by a single corporation? That's why I'll be so happy when Microsoft die, as Joe Cosentino signs in his FreeDOS song ;-)

and the people who made this product must be paid - some way or the other.

I agree, but by buying a second-hand BC copy Bart wouldn't pay the Borland programmers in any way.

just because you can technically copy it (whithout causing me any direct harm) does NOT imply you MAY do that.

Legally wise - yes, but my conscience is 100% clear. You know that I'm not really such a coward :)

please accept the fact, that there is FREE information, and for some other information you have to pay, or you will kill the producer in the long run (because he will starve to death)

Oh, if I could starve Microsoft to death! Alas, as Bart suggest, it seems I even help them grow :(

it's simple as that:
they want your money IF you use their software.
they offer you a deal, which you can accept - or deny.
stop using their software, and you don't have to pay them a dime.

If I stop using it, what will they gain? Nothing! There is no logic here.

I assume your company produces some sort of (hardware) gadget, that it sells - which in the end ends up as salary in your pockets.

I wonder what happens if I rip off your gadgets design and internal software, 'reengineer' the gadget, produce it myself (at much lower cost as I don't have to pay the engineers), and sell it at a price below your gadget.

probably neither your employer nor you what be very glad in the end.

This cowardly deed has nothing to do with mine. I don't use BC as a competitor of Borland. I'm not a threat to them. Whereas you (in the role you describe) would kill our product with what you do. But we know that the world we live in is so nasty, so we've taken measures against such actions :)

I'd like to add that we must consider standards of living too. When I say 3/4 of the world thinks so, I also mean that 3/4 of the world is so poor they can't pay even a modest price for a piece of software. The majority where I belong, whereas you probably belong to the minority. Imagine you're asked to pay not $70 but $700 for a copy of 4DOS. Would you do it? Hardly, however lawful you are.

OK, Tom, neither of us can convince the other one. So, let's not argue anymore, OK?

It's always nice to hear your opinion on a topic I understand much worse than you do.


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