Dear Eric:

   After I try to use Turbo C 2.01 to compiler with CRLF
   uploaded by you.
   It seems to lack of "turboc.cfg" file in ..\kernel  directory
   The error message will as below.
   After I copy "turboc.cfg" file from then there is
   No error message during compiling. 
   Please add "turboc.cfg" from next release. 

Thanks !


Process KERNEL +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

MAKE  Version 2.0   Copyright (c) 1987, 1988 Borland International

Available memory 522726 bytes

Fatal: 'turboc.cfg' does not exist - don't know how to make it
Compilation was aborted!



----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Auer"
Subject: Re: [Freedos-kernel] FreeDOS kernel 2036 released
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 13:30:13 +0200 (MEST)

Hi all,
I have now uploaded an updated kernel2036-source and
kernel2036-binary zip with CRLF source files and with
both OpenWatcom AND TurboC kernel binaries to

It would be nice if somebody could help by reverting
the batch file versions on SourceForge CVS to the LF
version (which will download as CRLF on Windows,
while a CRLF version will download as CRCRLF), thanks!

What should I do about the SF file release, replace it
by the updated versions already? I would prefer to wait
a few days to see if other bug reports / fixes arrive!


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