On Friday 15 February 2008, robinson-west user wrote:
> I could get it to work under vmware with wget believe it or not,
> but I haven't gotten it to work on real hardware even with curl.

Do your "real hardware" can run anything more than the bare FreeDOS kernel? I 
mean games, and more "advanced" software (DPMI / protected mode, etc...).
Maybe the problem is outside FDUPDATE / wget / curl... Bad memory, incorrect 
EMM386 settings, etc...
Do you tried using the "tested" wget binary? 

> Another problem I've noticed is that fdupdate doesn't seem to
> record the new version of a package that it has updated.

No, FDUDPATE doesn't keep track of installed / updated software. That's the 
job for the application's LSM file. If the application have a LSM with an 
incorrect "version" record, FDUPDATE will be fooled.
What problem do you exactly encounter with versionning?

> My 486 is passing memtest with flying colors.  It crashes every
> time I try to apply or skip an update.

What do you mean by "with flying colors"? If you have a bad mem, wget, curl, 
fdupdate, and any other DPMI application may have big problems, as it is 
using memory > 1 MB...

> What is the fallback address?  It doesn't seem to be right.

As far as I remember, the fallback url is "http://www.freedos.org/update";. 
Indeed, there's no server there. :-)

Mateusz Viste

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