good news... I have a working usb boot disk (windows 98 boot disk).
The problem I have now is that the usb drive loads as disk 1, so when I run 
fdisk, the usb disk is assigned as the active partition.
Therefore even if I install XP on my hard drive, the disk will not load 
correctly without the usb drive as it's not the active partition.
If I try run fdisk to force the hard disk to become the active partition, this 
does not work. Only drive 1 can be made into the active partition. And 
according to fdisk, the usb drive is the active partition in drive 1.
Many thanks for your help.Gabriel> Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 21:43:58 +0100> From: 
e.a...@jpberlin.de> To: freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net> Subject: Re: 
[Freedos-user] freedos installation using usb drive> > > Hi!> > > Yes I have an 
IDE drive and a usb cdrom.> > My BIOS is able to boot USB.> > Good...> > > I 
guess what I'm looking for is a usb image of> > FreeDos. then I can make the 
IDE disk the active> > partition and install XP.> > There is no USB image 
because USB sticks all> have different sizes. But there are several> howtos 
specifically for making USB sticks> boot FreeDOS, just google for them :-). 
The> FAQ also has a bit of information, I guess:> > 
www.google.com/search?q=site%3Afd-doc.sourceforge.net+usb+boot> > On the other 
hand, why do you need DOS if you> only want to install XP? You can use any OS 
to> make the partition active, but in the end, you> probably have to boot the 
XP installer to make> the harddisk boot XP... You can also connect> the 
harddisk to another PC which does have a> CD/DVD drive and install XP there. 
Okay, XP is> probably more upset than, say, Linux, when you> later move the 
harddisk to the original PC and> it finds your hardware changed a lot ;-).> > > 
So do you know of an install image of FreeDos> > for a usb drive?> > No, but 
you can use:> > - makebootfat (for Linux and others, it can> reformat the whole 
stick, "exact" result?)> > - syslinux (just copy the files and use> syslinux to 
make things bootable...)> > - syslinux with memdisk (can make a diskette> image 
boot, use for example Rugxulo's disk)> > - sys-freedos-linux (basically "SYS" 
for DOS> running in Linux, copy the rest manually)> > - "that tool from HP" 
(seems to work quite> well in Windows, explicit FreeDOS support)> > The Rugxulo 
diskette distro can be found as> diskette images and as zips-with-files on> 
http://rugxulo.googlepages.com/ - use the> version which fits better with your 
needs.> > You only need disk one here, and it already> has way more things 
installed than you need.> > You can also use my "one and two on a single> 2.88 
MB diskette" (on his homepage) as well,> after all there is no problem for 
memdisk to> support even such exotic diskette sizes :-).> > Eric> > > > > 
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