
> What I think I need in my DOS PC:
> 1. A network card (duh!)
> 2. A driver for the card
> 3. A packet driver for the card
> 4. mTCP (for DHCP)
> 5. some software to connect the DOS to SMB.
> 1. My laptop has 2 network interfaces:
> - Broadcom BCM401 10/100
> - Intel Wireless 3945 a/b/g
> For now, I will discard the wireless option, I'll stick to the wired option.


> 2. In the Broadcom site, there are 3 DOS drivers for the Broadcom BCM401

You can also try http://www.crynwr.com/drivers/00index.html
but I do not really see Broadcom there...

> 10/100: NDIS2, 16 ODI, 32 ODI.

NDIS and ODI are more high level. Depending on your app, you
simply need a low level packet driver. However, there are
also wrappers to turn one into the other as far as I remember.

> Reading in the web, ODI is for Netware and Apple. NDIS2 is for Microsoft
> networks. What do I need? Or I need a fourth option specific for FreeDOS?

See above, but better, see:

(formerly known as lazybrowndog.net/freedos/ :-))

> 3. I think a packet driver is the same than the network driver,
 > please help here.

See the page above :-)

> 4. mTCP seems to be easy to configure.

Maybe, but in DOS, networking is not a global operating system
thing. Instead, it is something done by one or more libraries
used by your network related software. For example your Arachne
web browser might use WATTCP, while your FTP client might use
MTCP instead. Both have separate configuration mechanisms. Of
course both can still access the same packet driver though :-)

> 5. Finally what package do I need to connect the FreeDOS to a SMB share
> (assuming all previos steps are working fine). I can read the docs, but I
> have to know what package to look and investigate.

There are basically two options: MSCLIENT, free by MS but very
old and using a lot of RAM. On the other hand, sources like the
FreeDOS Wiki / Lazybrowndog / FreeDOS FAQ etc etc have lots of
information on how to get MSCLIENT to work. The other option is
the DOS version of the Linux SAMBA smbclient. This works like a
command line FTP client / shell, so you type commands to go to
the files that you want and to upload and download them, all IN
the smbclient shell. Your SMB share does not get any DOS drive
letter that way and you cannot use it from, say, EDIT that way.

Of course SAMBA also can help you to mount drives in Linux, but
because this works completely different in DOS, it would be hard
to port, compared to porting smbclient which just needs basic C
library services and a networking library and packet drivers :-)


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