Op 20-9-2012 0:53, George Brooks schreef:
> device=c:\net\yuknd.dos

I'm not entirely up to date with this subject nor the mail thread, but 
usually MS Client NDIS drivers are loaded in a slightly different way.
You'd have to install MS Client and supply the drivers when MS Client 
asks for it. Alternatively there might be ready-to-run bootdisks or 
configuration tricks available on the internet through Google on the 
subject of providing modern NDIS drivers to MS Client.

  > When stepping thru boot, this line results in the error message
> "Controller not found".  What means, if any, are available to get over
> this?  (The laptop also has wireless, but I suspect that is even more
> highly problematic.)

 From CONFIG.SYS I can only remember PROTMAN or IFSHLP being loaded, 
rest goes into AUTOEXEC.BAT or MS Client configuration scripts.

Printer mapping to LPT1 (Parallel Port) in VMware should also be an option.

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