
>> How many users do you have ?
> I have no idea - and don't care.

>> Of these, how many understands this level of detail, /and/ in addition, will 
>> care ?

> answering this question would imply that /you/ understand the problem.
> you don't.

Now, is that not arrogance ! This kind of remarks is best avoided,
it is not a way to prove your competence which has not been disputed anyway.
> I just wrote the code to put the environment where it is (in 2001),
> that's all. and it's placed where it is for a *very* good reason.
> just think a bit about it

If there is such a reason, you should be able to state it, for the

benefit of us all who are not geniuses like you. Please *enlighten* me !

>>> the FreeDOS kernel relocates the XBDA.
>> Really ? Will it ? The kernel I'm using will /not/ do it, certainly not by 
>> default.
> this is either a bug, or your XBDA behaves somewhat different.

An XBDA is an XBDA is an XBDA, furthermore this is observed on more
than one machine. 
I"m using a kernel v. 2040 with XMS swapping compiled in. An 
" SWITCHES = /E " directive in Config.sys is ignored silently - 
no error flagged. My conclusion has been that the option was reserved 
but unimplemented. Is kernel 2041 different in this respect ?

> an unrelated story.


> Why these latter limits would be thus hard-coded is beyond me.
b7ff is shorter then 'the highest location in conventional memory'

Really ? 80x86 systems /other/ than the "standard Wintel PC" (a moving goal 
anyway) should be able to run a DOS efficiently. Think out of the matrix! 
let's not be formatted by years of IBM/Microsoft/Intel/PCI-SIG...whoever's... 
idea of what a PC/DOS machine 
must be like. Rant and digression over.

... Snipping repetitive stuff...

>> Casually peeking at Freecom source, branch MAIN, init.c v 1.31,
>> I'm not sure what is to be gained by using 'lastfit' even in upper memory.
>> Hoping someone will take the challenge,

> left as an exercise to the reader. suffice it to say: you wouldn't like the 
> adverse effects.

Is there a FreeCOM 'blueprint' or design document for FreeCOM 
other than the code comments ?

You can't escape having to explain what "adverse effects" you were evoking, now 

Bye !


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