A quick additional note:

Out of pure curiosity, I configured the CD drive in my VirtualBox 
FreeDOS machine as being a SATA one (that is, attached to a SATA / AHCI 
Unfortunately, both XCDROM.SYS and UDVD2.SYS failed to recognize it.

So for the time being I will put back XCDROM in the FDNPKG bootable CD, 
which has the advantage to not freeze under VirtualBox...


On 07/21/2013 06:45 PM, Mateusz Viste wrote:
> Hi there,
> Just like Rugxulo, I'm a bit lost about all these IDE/SATA/PATA stuff,
> until now I was naively assuming that a SATA CD drive is behaving like a
> PATA one, and same drivers will work, and the only difference is at the
> physical level...
> By the way, how come that SATA HDD drives works fine without requiring
> any additional drivers then?
> Anyway, I tried to replace the xcdrom.sys with udvd2.sys, as I
> understand that the latter have some special magic for supporting SATA
> CD drives, but unfortunately I got some troubles - when UDVD2 loads, it
> freezes the boot for ~1 minute, which is really a pain.
> I am testing this inside a VirtualBox machine. I recall some months ago
> (or was it years maybe?) some flames on the list about this problem, but
> don't remember much constructive ideas, other than saying 'virtualbox is
> buggy'.
> Is the situation still the same, ie. is there no way to make UDVD start
> faster under VirtualBox? Is there any other driver nowaday that could
> handle IDE/SATA drives and not freeze VBox for a minute?
> Of course I don't say UDVD2 is bad (and I certainly don't want to start
> any nuclear war about this), but the fact is that many people test stuff
> under VBox these days, and if a bootable CD freezes 2s after starting
> booting, they won't get any further.
> cheers,
> Mateusz
> On 07/21/2013 02:27 AM, Rugxulo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Bernd Blaauw <bbla...@home.nl> wrote:
>>> Mateusz Viste schreef op 20-7-2013 23:08:
>>>> Could you tell me please which software you see old?
>>> Mainly the bootdisk programs:
>>> * kernel: 2036 instead of 2041
>> Well, 2036 wasn't exactly horribly buggy nor super old (FD 1.0 in
>> 2006), but anyways ....
>>> * xcdrom instead of udvd2
>> I profess complete ignorance of all the IDE / SATA / PATA confusion. I
>> never understood it, but I'm no engineer. Can someone please explain
>> which driver is best in which circumstance? By default, I assumed that
>> UIDE doesn't support SATA or PATA, only IDE (maybe only via legacy
>> mode).
>> In particular, GCDROM and XGCDROM are forks of XCDROM (predecessor of UIDE):
>> http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/dos/cdrom/gcdrom/
>> http://ftp.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/system/xcdrom/
>> I'm 99% sure that Jack Ellis would strongly recommend against those
>> forks since they are based upon older, buggy code. But I'm not sure if
>> they somehow work better in non-IDE instances.
>>>>> * missing CWSDPMI.EXE apparently
>>>> Yes, cwsdpmi is not on the boot floppy. Mostly because it's not needed -
>>>> have you run into any kind of troubles because of the lack of cwsdpmi?
>>> Yes: "load error: no DPMI - Get csdpmi*b.zip" upon invoking FDNPKG.EXE
>> Was this intentional or just to avoid swapping to floppy or ... ? Of
>> course, you can bind CWSDSTUB.EXE to the .EXE (and/or use CWSPARAM to
>> disable swapping entirely). It's still fairly small.
>>>> What's happening exactly? I'm not really a VMware aficionado, never
>>>> tested FreeDOS with this. Is it some kind of a 'known bug' specific to
>>>> FDISK and VMware? What solution would you suggest?
>>> I get errorlevel 64: "Error Reading Hard Disk: Search operation failed.
>>> Program terminated."
>>> fdisk 1.2.1 works.
>> Meh. I'm not sure that's a good thing. Perhaps one of us needs to ping
>> Brian R. again?
>> Or you could (should?) also include / try XFDISK and/or SPFdisk ??
>>> Emulators make things difficult. Dosbox and Rpix86 have very strange
>>> behaviour for driveletters, filesystems and memory behaviour.
>> DOSBox has its own DOS and doesn't use FreeDOS. Unless you're thinking
>> of "BOOT"?
>> Rpix86 presumably means something like QEMU on Raspberry PI. (QEMU
>> still has various bugs regarding segmentation, probably since it's not
>> needed for Linux emulation.)
>>>> Is it because of the XCDROM.SYS ? I'm no expert here, but aren't SATA CD
>>>> drives acting as some kind of 'emulated IDE' ? Or does it mean that the
>>>> boot image would need a special SATA driver, and some detection logic to
>>>> load the right driver? This starts to sound complicated :P
>>> Yes, and a lack of DOS drivers for various controllers/interfaces is the
>>> main culprit. The CD driver works for IDE and for SATA in legacy mode.
>>> Now imagine having only an USB CD drive on a system.
>>> (or something emulating it, like a Zalman hdd-caddy, or ISOSTICK)
>> Didn't someone integrate eltorito.sys into isolinux a few years ago?
>> Doesn't that help somewhat?
>> http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/util/boot/syslinux/
>>> I'm not sure anymore nowadays the goal is installing FreeDOS on a
>>> dedicated system, but rather to have it available and to use it, when
>>> necessary. What I mean to say is, people will boot from your CD, then
>>> find out their harddisk is partitioned 100% already for Windows. Thus,
>>> no easy way to get a drive C: available.
>> Unavoidable without some (limited) NTFS driver. Maybe GRUB4DOS can
>> boot a DOS image file created as one contiguous block file? But how to
>> create that ... dunno, someone may have to write it (not me!).
>> But anyways, Windows since Vista lets you optionally resize the NTFS
>> partition, so it's no big deal. (Also RUFUS can install FreeDOS to
>> bootable USB stick.)
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