Hi John,

> As usual when I present problems on these mailing lists, the solutions 
> are complex.  Nothings easy!  I also have a tendency to not explain 
> completely.  Usually I'm pretty precise.  I am not running any MS 
> Windows on this computer.  I am running the "DOS 7.10" from Win98 on 
> this computer so I can make use of Fat32, getting more efficiency on a 
> UK MB HD.  I primarily use this computer to connect to a DOS network 

Well your problem is also complex: You want two DOS versions, FreeDOS
and Win98-DOS, on the same computer. Because they use the same style
of drive letter "numbering", some extra effort is involved in keeping
their configuration separate while they both use the same C: drive.

I hope the docs for metakern help you regarding this config trickery.
Unless of course you simply want to replace Win98 DOS 7.10 by FreeDOS,
then you do not have to worry about how to keep Win98 DOS bootable...

> Unfortunately there is email on the suse partitions and I would like 
> (need to?) keep/recover.   I have a usb driver for DOS that I use to 
> backup.  Usually only selected directories, but this time I'll back up 
> the entire 630 MB.  According to a text file from Ranish Partition 
> Manager, this is a 10GB HD with 3 fat32 partitions, a linux swap, and a 
> linux ext2fs partition.  I have some pretty detailed in re: partitions,

Good to know and interesting that now DOS has more USB support than
the ancient (?) Linux on that computer :-)

> sectors, cylinders, etc. from rRPM reports I saved to disk that might be 
> helpful.  I cannot run RPM yet because it requires a DPMI? program.  I 
> have found some system files (created by me) that date about 2004, but 
> there is no reference to Linux.  I can now run RPM if that helps.

If you need DPMI, you probably need CWSDPMI.EXE somewhere in your
PATH directories. Note that this defaults to using swapfiles on
C: so you may want to disable that in some cases - see the docs.

Regards, Eric

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