Hi Jack,

> Note on the FreeDOS "main page" that there are comments about FreeDOS
> offering "LBA" large-disk capability (48-bit disk addressing, not 24-
> bit "CHS"), which MS-DOS did not have, and which the "main page" says
> was unavailable except with DOS Windows.

I think that FreeDOS should also be more "bit-exact" and mention
"(only 32 bit useable due to MBR partitioning schema limitations)"
along with the LBA48 comment. Might also create feedback from
people who want to help to implement or test GPT partitions :-)

>  From having written and tested UIDE, I know that "LZ-DOS" and Wengier
> Wu's V7.10 MS-DOS both use "LBA" disk addressing...

There is indeed a dilemma about whether to call MS DOS 7 a DOS
or not. AFAIK it was never available separately, so people only
could get it by buying Windows 9x, not as DOS. Wengier Wu's MS
DOS 7 variant has a licensing issue and LZ-DOS according to my
google translate of http://dos.nm.ru/ is only a kernel, freeware
provided as-is by JSC. Can be used with the userspace tools and
drivers of other DOS variants and generally sounds interesting.

> Luchezar Georgiev offered his multi-DOS "boot" diskette, which has an
> "LZ-DOS" option.   "LZ-DOS" is really V7.10 MS-DOS as a "VER" ...

You mean LZ DOS is an improved rip of the MS DOS 7 kernel? Or
is it just another DOS kernel which provides DOS 7.x compat?
I would like to hear from other users what their experiences
with LZ DOS are...

> I believe Lucho's or Wengier's V7.1 MS-DOS systems can still be down-
> loaded from Internet sources.   They are NOT "bundled" with Win/95 or
> any other DOS Windows system.   Lucho's and Wengier's systems provide
> an "independent" V7.1 MS-DOS, which is still very useful.

That is not a very good proof of MS DOS being available stand-alone.
Ignoring licenses, I could upload any arbitrary subset of files from
any commercial operating system and then claim that this subset is
available as individual operating system online... So while you are
correct - even Windows 9x provides a button to make a DOS boot disk
on floppy - that DOS 7.x CAN be installed separately, I would still
not advertise it as a recommended DOS-with-LBA on the FreeDOS page.

It would be fair to mention on our homepage that "the DOS subsystem
of Win 9x, also called MS DOS 7" does have support for LBA, though.

> I believe the FreeDOS "main page" should be made a bit more ACCURATE!

I agree!


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