
(specifically to Mateusz)

On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 3:40 AM, Rugxulo <rugx...@gmail.com> wrote:
> P.S. Someone remind me to try to recompile Pace Player later this
> week. Uses ancient Allegro but shouldn't be too impossibly hard.


FYI, it is indeed GPL, but that's not saying much if it's not easy to
recompile. I'm not sure exactly what dependencies it needs (Mikmod??).
I'm not even entirely sure which version of Allegro it needs (or also
add-ons). Using GPR2MAK doesn't shed much light.

There used to be good DOS support for Allegro 4.x in FreeBASIC, but
it's no longer included by default. Although they did (barely) update
the *.BI in recent release. Honestly, my experience with those are
quite minimal, so I'm not sure I'm much help. Mateusz, you could
probably whip up a quick viewer in one sitting.

Pace Player is not ostensibly a complicated project, but finding all
the dependencies is the main problem. I have not searched the
comp.os.msdos.djgpp archives nor trawled the /v2tk/allegro/ section of
a DJGPP mirror, so it's possible that those will shed more light. But
for now I have no "ideaz" (heh) on how to recompile Pace Player.

P.S. It's also possible that there is old legacy Turbo Pascal code
lying around somewhere. I'd be surprised if there weren't dozens of
viewers in old SWAG archives. But I'd have to manually search (very
tedious). It's like looking for a needle in a haystack. Very

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