
Just to give some minor feedback for your valiant efforts ....

On Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 9:10 AM, Alain Mouette <ala...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Answering inline:
> On 13-11-2015 23:44, Rugxulo wrote:
>> On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 12:42 PM, Alain Mouette <ala...@pobox.com> wrote:
>>> I have been using FreeDOS on a Linux VM for a few years now and I made a
>>> special image to make it public:
>>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33399957/FreeDOS/Ubuntu140432-DosemuLimpo-1.ova
>> Exactly how big is it? (I'm guessing not very small. 2+ GB??)
> It's 992M bytes. I used LXDE-core to keep it small but with some basic
> functionality: editor, file manager and a little configuration

I hate to nitpick, it's probably moot for most people (even myself),
but I hardly consider this "small". (Just for comparison, even though
I usually abhor multimedia, I did have an old gift card for Rifftrax,
so I recently purchased/downloaded the "low" quality version of _Star
Wars Holiday Special_, which was "only" 800 MB. I could've technically
downloaded a bigger version but couldn't be bothered waiting for hours
and hours.)

But yeah, it might be hard to "fix" that, so maybe I shouldn't even mention it!

>>> * Fast access to host files using VirtualBox share

It does whine at bootup about "home/alain" (shared) not existing, but
I didn't test that functionality yet.

>>> * Dosemu and FreeDOS fully preconfigured, can run graphic programs

Didn't test any graphical stuff (e.g. Doom) yet.

>>> * Network fully functional, can talk to any device on your network

I had to switch from (default) "bridged" to "NAT" first, in VBox settings.

>>> * 3 FreeDOS instance can access the network and talk to each other too
>> So packet driver stuff (Watt-32, e.g. Wget) works?
> Y-E-S !!! Packet Drivers are fully configured and are working with any
> ethernet configuration of the VM
> There is even a PING command included, but it doesn't use Watt-32.
> I would appreciate some more testing ;-)

Well, I haven't tested much else (e.g. Links2) yet, but I did use the
host (Linux) wget to grab the old FreeDOS/DJGPP build of wget from
iBiblio. Once I created a simple wattcp.cfg (and "set WATTCP.CFG=..."
accordingly in autoexec.bat) and created a wgetrc, then it seems to
work fine, e.g. grabbing a .ZIP file from

>>> * There are a few Dosemu patches applied for graphics and keyboard
>>> Some of it (most) is in portuguese. If there is some interest I can make
>>> an international version or some needed resource
>> I don't think there is much interest in i18n. I think we're all too
>> tired or just used to living without it, which is probably not ideal.
>> :-/
> I was not thinking of i18n, but most of it is in portuguese (that is
> what I use), I was thinking of an English only release.
> Most of the scripts I wrote lately are already with english comments ;-)

The bigger problem, beyond even translated text, is the unfamiliarity
of the keyboard layout. For instance, finding chars like '\' and '/'
seems a bit difficult (at least to my uninformed self). A quick Google
image search shows that some .br keyboards have a key to the left of
the 'z' char, which I sadly do not, heh. Sure, numpad has '/' but it's
not available in all contexts.

Other minor comments:

* NDN (2006) isn't even latest (2010) version:  http://ndn.muxe.com/

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