I just released the FreeDOS 1.2 Installer Preview 11. 

If you wish to participate in the general pre-beta testing
of the hopefully soon to arrive FreeDOS 1.2 release, 
you can find it’s floppy image and a link to the required 
package repository CD image at:

http://up.load.bz/FDI/latest <http://up.load.bz/FDI/latest>

Also, there is a USB Stick Installer image available 
that includes the packages. There is a link to it on the
FDI Installer Prototype download page. Or, just use the 
direct link  http://dnld.lod.bz/FDI-USB.zip <http://dnld.lod.bz/FDI-USB.zip>

What’s in Preview 11.

        Improved BOOT from any USB stick at any drive letter (A, B, C, D, E….)

        Improved Installation Target Detection. (C or D)

        Extra (not BASE or ALL), uninstalled packages on USB image. (about 50 

        Welcome to FreeDOS message, converted to a installed package with NLS.
        (removed language specific messages from autoexec.bat)

        V8Power Tools, converted to package like any other that gets installed 
with ALL.

        Additional, BOOT menu item installed (DOS low - SAFE MODE)

        Moved CD driver from Installed FDCONFIG.SYS to AUTOEXEC.BAT

        Other minor improvements.

What is NOT in Preview 11. (Maybe 12, beta or not at all)

        Boot sector is not overwritten with boot code if it happens to be 
        ( If you boot sector needs replaced, see 
<https://sites.google.com/site/lpsantil/fdi12-msi-wind> )

        Sufficient free space is not verified prior to installation.

        Language specific COMMAND.COM <http://command.com/> is installed. But, 
it is not configured as default.

        Language specific FDCONFIG.SYS menu items.

Thanks, Jerome

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