
Thanks for your time and attention. See my responses inline.

On 6/27/2016 3:05 PM, Eric Auer wrote:
> Hi Abe,
>> upon bootup and selecting option 1, I get the following message:
>> JemmEx v5.75 [05/21/11]
>> System memory found at c900-dfff, region might be in use
>> JemmEx loaded
>> Kernel: allocated 46 Diskbuffers = 24472 Bytes in HMA
>> after which nothing ever happens. It hangs permanently.
> This means that JEMMEX (EMM386) tried to allocate UMB but
> predicted troubles. Soon after that, DOS does indeed hang.
> I suggest to select a boot option without JEMMEX instead.
I understood JEMMEX to be the preferred option. Yes, the other boot 
options all work.

> Alternatively, you could change the JEMMEX options in your
> config.sys to more cautious settings regarding UMB areas.
> Then you get at least some UMB and thus more free DOS RAM.
Can you point me in the direction of a good resource where I could learn 
about adjusting the JEMMEX options/settings?

<sincere question>Why are the JEMMEX defaults not set to work with a 
fresh install? Or does it work for most people, and my 3 computers just 
happen to all not work?</sincere question>

>> I don't believe this is related to the UIDE driver...
> It is possible that the same memory area where JEMMEX tries
> to allocate UMB is also in use for disk, network or UMB I/O
> buffers of your virtual hardware... So it is possible that a
> crash is more likely with UIDE (more modern disk I/O) but a
> better solution compared to avoiding UIDE would be to select
> more cautious JEMMEX options regarding that memory region.
Perhaps I should allocate more than 32MB of RAM to avoid this collision? 
I will try that too.

>> Boot options 2,3,4 all work without issue.
> What are the names of boot options 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively?
They are the stock options found in the C:\FDCONFIG.SYS file:

1 - Load FreeDOS with JEMMEX, no EMS (most UMBs), max RAM free
2 - Load FreeDOS with EMM386 (Expanded Memory) and SHARE loaded
3 - Load FreeDOS including XMGR XMS-memory driver
4 - Load FreeDOS without drivers

I have not altered C:\FDCONFIG.SYS.

> Regards, Eric
Thanks again
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