From: Jerome Shidel <>

> On Mar 24, 2017, at 6:40 PM, Eric Auer <> wrote:
> Hi Dennis,
>> The 486 that I plan to use FreeDOS on currentlyrCA has MS-DOS 6.22 as
>> its only OS. My plan is to completely replace it but keep all my
>> installed programs. The SCSI drivers are all in C:\SCSI and I notice
>> FreeDOS has its own equivalent of MSCDEX.EXE.
> Well in that case, you can simply use the existing DOS SCSI
> and CDROM drivers :-) You can even keep MSCDEX until you get
> used to SHSUCDX later... And you can use your existing lines
> from autoexec and config for the autoexec and (fd-) config
> of FreeDOS. Only if you were using the MS DOS config sys
> MENU system, you will have to change some things - syntax
> for menus works in a different way in FreeDOS.

I'd advise just plugging in his needed lines into the new configuration files.
But, what ever is easiest.

> Maybe Jerome and Rugxulo can give some hints about how to
> tell the installer to only install FreeDOS to the existing
> C: drive of your MS DOS PC without damaging other programs

If his old MS-DOS install is not under the FDOS\ directory (unless changed in
advanced mode), it will just ignore it. That goes for other directories as
well. If the existing target directory (Like FDOS\) for the OS already exists,
it will be backed up and the cleaned out.

> Even then, it is always very good to have a backup of all
> files before updating. So if anything goes wrong, you can
> use the backups to repair the damage :-)

Yes, always backup!


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