From: Ralf Quint <>

On 3/24/2017 4:36 PM, Dennis Fenton wrote:
> I want the fat32 in order to see drives and files on my win98 computer if I
use Laplink. I was also hoping FreeDOS will do a better job of getting Arachne
online. It reports low memory with MS-DOS. I have run memmaker several times.
Using FAT32 does not help you in seeing drives and files on another
computer, either via laplink or by other means. This is either handled
by the program itself (as in the case of Laplink) or it is matter of the
network redirector being used...

As for being low on memory, the main source of your problems are likely
being the use of the SCSI/ASPI drivers as you mentioned in a previous
post. Those things are/were huge in terms of DOS in general. FreeDOS
won't give you here much of an advantage over any other DOS...


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