From: Dennis Fenton <>

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<div><b>From: </b>Ralf Quint</div><div><b>Sent: </b>Friday, March 24, 2017 
12:15 PM</div><div><b>To: 
</b></div><div><b>Reply To: </b>Discussion 
and general questions about FreeDOS.</div><div><b>Subject: </b>Re: 
[Freedos-user] boot floppy disk ima
ge too big for a disk</div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div 
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    <meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" http-equiv="Content-Type">

    <div class="moz-cite-prefix">On 3/24/2017 5:42 AM, Dennis Fenton
    <blockquote cite=""
      <div style="width: 100%; font-size: initial; font-family: Calibri,
        'Slate Pro', sans-serif, sans-serif; color: rgb(31, 73, 125);
        text-align: initial; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">I
        was just trying to simply copy it. I get an insufficient space
        message. </div>
    That is to be expected.<br>
    A disk image is exactly that, a sector by sector image of EVERY
    sector on the disk. That includes those of the boot sector (includes
    the BPB-BIOS Paramter Block),&nbsp; 14 sectors for the root directory and
    18 sectors for the two copies of FAT12. Those 33 sectors leave on a
    formatted 1.44MB floppy disk 2847 sectors (out of 2880 sectors of an
    unformatted disk).<br>
    To write a floppy disk IMAGE to a floppy, you need a program that
    writes that image SECTOR FOR SECTOR back to the disk, not as a
    single file as you have tried.<br>
    On Unix/Linux systems, the easiest way to achive that is to use the
    "dd" command or WinRaWrite on a Windows system (or rawrite if you
    have another DOS only system). I personally used for probably more
    than two decades by now a Shareware program called WinImage, which
    also does works nicely to create quickly images from floppy disks or
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font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 18px;">Virus-free. <a
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