Yes, please! At most, a yearly reminder would make sense. A monthly reminder just annoys people.


Am 2017-11-01 um 12:04 schrieb Tom Ehlert:
Hallo Herr John Price,

can we please have this monthly remainder stopped?

it is just unnecessary


am Mittwoch, 1. November 2017 um 07:00 schrieben Sie:

Hello, and welcome to the FreeDOS mailing list!
If you have been a list member for some time, then you can skip this
as you should be familiar with the rules by now.
The FreeDOS Project aims to create a free, complete implementation of
classic DOS. DOS is still a popular system, and plenty of people use
FreeDOS to play classic DOS games, run legacy software, and support
embedded systems. For more information about FreeDOS, visit:

We have only a few rules for posting to the FreeDOS mailing lists:
1. Don't swear. We don't want this mailing list to become what Usenet
    turned into.
2. Keep posts on-topic. Remember, we set up this mailing list to
    discuss FreeDOS issues.
3. No flame wars. If you feel really strongly against what someone has
    said, send a reply off-list.

Some suggestions:
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    formatted in HTML. Plain text makes it easier for everyone to read
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** When replying to messages, please quote just the bit of email you
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