This is kind of a sore point when using Windows-based virtualization

Virtualbox (and I believe VMWare) support SoundBlaster 16, but only to a
certain extent (as in later versions of Windows). 

They don't support DOS sound, period. 

One of the things I noticed with DOS games is that I/O ports are not
supported (e.g. A220 and P330) by Virtualbox or VMWare's implementation.

Because I remembered that BIOS extensions are something that were used
many years ago to adapt machines BIOS that (for instance) didn't support
larger sized HDDs, I'm wondering if the same sort of thing can be done
to implement a much more accurate version of a SoundBlaster ISA card
allows DOS games to fully recognize an improved virtualized ISA sound
card and make use of it. 

I know that DOSBox is able to achieve sound for DOS games, so it seems
like something not too difficult unless the virtual app would block it
from working. 

I figured the easiest path would be something like what DOSBox uses,
except implemented in FreeDOS but a BIOS 'extension' is another avenue. 

I guess a BIOS extension would depend on having access to the code for
SeaBIOS or whatever Oracle or VMWare uses to virtualize hardware. 

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