On Saturday, March 28, 2020 6:34 AM, Eric Auer e.a...@jpberlin.de wrote:

> Hi Mercury, some short answers :-)
> I think dates as version numbers are fine when there is no explicit version 
> numbering. I would use the date of the most recent file, leave the decision 
> to you whether that means the version is this week since YOU yourself have 
> made per-driver excerpts of the readmes. Otherwise, use the newest timestamp 
> of the original files, even in situations where only documentation updates 
> took place.

Personally, I would like to assign a new version date to my packages since I've 
made some significant changes... however, I think that also would cause 
unnecessary confusion to existing users of these programs. E.g. "Sweet, a new 
version! Oh, wait... this is the same binary I already had. :(( " So I guess 
I'll leave the versions as-is.

> Regarding sources, please always use source\NAME\FILE.EXT naming. It is no 
> problem to have separate copies of CC in source\uide\cc.asm and 
> source\uhdd\cc.asm when installed. There is an official howto for the 
> directory tree etc. in ZIP files for install friendly packages, somewhere 
> online.

Yep, I think the place to which you're referring is 
[here](http://wiki.freedos.org/wiki/index.php/Package), a page I already knew 
about. Had I just read a little further, I would have seen the answer to this 
problem! lol

> Having two himemx variants to compare sounds like Japheth hopes to get MANY 
> TESTERS so a new update can consolidate into one version again? Or maybe a 
> command line option to pick one of the two styles now represented by two exes?

I think it's to give users a choice, depending on their needs. He mentions they 
both employ a different strategy of allocating blocks - perhaps one is 
First-Fit and another is Best-Fit - and each strategy would work better for 
different users. So he gave them a choice. But Idk, that's just my take on it. 

> I suggest that you give Jerome a signal when you think the packages on your 
> website have been updated to fix all items mentioned by him and fully fdinst 
> / fdnpkg compatible :-)

Will do. Hopefully by the end of the day!

> Thank you for your help! Regards, Eric

No problem. Glad to help!
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