Hi Jerome,

> The package UIDE contains UHDD.
> It was updated to the latest versions almost a year ago.

Mercury has recently created separate packages for
all different drivers, with separate readme, source
and so on. Please use those for 1.3, so people do
not have to search for UHDD in the UIDE package.

Note that UIDE itself should only be used for tiny
boot floppy purposes as UHDD + UDVD2 together are
more modern than UIDE alone, and fix some bugs.

Thank you Jerome and thank you Mercury! :-)

(UDVD2, UHDD, UIDE, RDISK, XMGR, see also my PS)

Regards, Eric

PS: Mercury also made a HIMEMX 3.35 package with
Japheth's updates. Please check how well it works
on both very new and very old computers. It should
be an improvement over Rob Pemberton's "3.34 RP":


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