On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 3:19 PM Marv <moa47...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I know I'm late to the FreeDos party, but it would help me and maybe other 
> newcomers to know what you guys do with your FreeDos PCs. I was thinking of 
> utility type things that are easier or more quickly done in DOS, but I'm wide 
> open to any ideas.
> So far I've got programs like Supercalc, Wordstar, GWBasic, DBase, etc 
> working. I transfer files back and forth to my Windows PC using FTP over my 
> local network.

I'm odd man out, as I don't currently have a dedicated FreeDOS PC.

I originally installed FreeDOS in a multi-boot setup on an ancient
notebook. The machine was a pass-along from a friend who had upgraded
but didn't want to see it thrown out.   It was a Fujitsu p2110
machine, the a Transmeta Crusoe CPU (and early attempt at a power
saving design, a 30GB IDE4 HD, Intel graphics on the motherboard, and
a whopping 256 *MB* of RAM.  The Crusoe CPU grabbed 156MB off the top
for "code morphing", there were 240MB usable.  She said it was "Slow,
slow, SLOW."  Well, yes.  It came to me with WinXP SP2 installed.  XP
wants 512MB *minimum*.  It took 8 minutes to simply boot, and much
longer to do anything once up.

I pulled the 30GB HD, swapped in a 40GB model from a failed laptop,
and started hacking. I reformatted and repartitioned the HD, with a
20GB slice formatted as NTFS with Win2K on it, tow 8GB slices
formatted as Linux ext4 with Ubuntu and Puppy Linux, a 2GB slice for
Linux swap, and a 2GB slice formatted FAT32 for FreeDOS.

*Getting* it to boot FreeDOS was an involved process. I have no idea
which of the config tweaks I made actually did the trick, but I had a
machine that could boot Win2K, Ubuntu Linux, Puppy Linux, and FreeDOS
from a Grub2 menu.  Win2K actually more or less ran in 240MB ram,
after I removed everything from Startup that *could* be removed, and
disabling Windows Update (since it would no longer *get* updates  That
saved me a SVCHOST.EXE process and 10MB RAM.) Ubuntu and Puppy also
more or less ran. (Puppy was designed for old hardware, and Puppy
itself ran well.  Linux *applications* installed were another matter.)
 FreeDOS *flew.*
Linux could read NTFS vis NTFS3g,  Win2K could read extfs via an open
source driver.  Everything could read FAT32, but FreeDOS couldn't read
anything else. I had no need to and didn't care.

A problem that required reinstalling Wn2K broke the multiboot and I
couldn't get it to work again.  I didn't care.  The process had been
an experiment to see what performance I could coax out of ancient
hardware without throwing money at it. It was fun to try and I learned
things, but the real work was done elsewhere, so losing the machine
wasn't an issue.

These days I run Win10 Pro on a refurbished HP SFF desktop with a
quad-core Intel i5 CPU, Intel HD4600 graphics, 20GB RAM, and OS and
programs boot from and live on a 256GB SSD.

I still have an assortment of DOS applications, and run them using a
DOS port of the DOSBox MSDOS gaming emulator, or the vDOS fork of
DOSBox specifically aimed at supporting character mode DOS
productivity applications. I do so to flex mental muscles and keep my
hand in.  It's a hobby activity done for fun.  Actual work happens on
the Windows side, and most of that simply can't be done in FreeDOS.

(I also have some old DOS apps running on an Android tablet courtesy
of an Android port of DOSBox. It raises the occasional eyebrows.
"What's *that? "It's the Unix Larn game, ported to MSDOS, adn running
on Android via a DOS emulartor." "<boggle>" :-p)

I think I admire a couple of folks here who still seem to use DOS for
everything.  I can't do that and wouldn't try.

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