More points:

1. "It needs to be noted that words of less than 2 characters and more than 
17characters cannot be indexed"

Forth-language (one more dinosaur) have many 1-char commands (like @ ! , . + - 
/ [ ] : ; etc ). So, need expect users, who want find @ into 1-char article 

2. May be need add recommendation for table markups and highlighting. "Viewer" 
can do (or don't do) - table borders highlighting. But will be good have a hint 
- what kind of markup expect. Imho, DOS-way is use for table-drawing chars like 
0xB3. But this (DOS) codepage could not be available on non-DOS devices, so may 
be better use "-" (minus) and "i" (in uppers-case) ? or something like it.

Here is example table highlighting into text file:

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