
On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 at 21:12, tom ehlert <t...@drivesnapshot.de> wrote:

> > "MS-DOS 7.x" doesn't exist for all but the initial boot process. As soon
> > as the Windows 9x boot logo comes up, there is no longer any "MS-DOS
Well, I tend to disagree with this, but by a semantic question :)
In my opinion, VMM32 and all the VXDs are DOS, not Windows.  They sound to
me like the natural evolution of EMM386.EXE.
For me, Windows starts with KRNL386.EXE, not before (or with WIN.COM).

As I see it, for a marketing reason Microsoft wanted to sell MS-DOS and
MS-Windows together, reason why they put them on the same hard drive and
VMM32.VXD ends up calling KRNL386.EXE. If it called COMMAND.COM instead, we
could have had a nice preemptive multitasking, virtual memory MS-DOS 7.0.

> foundation" active. Read any Windows 9x undocumented/inside/etc book and
> > those will explain this in detail. If you open a DOS prompt from within
> > Windows 9x, it is not "DOS underneath" that is running, but Windows'
> > NTVDM process. The initial DOS kernel is no longer active.
> you are mostly, but not entirely right.

Well I think in the so-called DOS-based versions, it is not a "NTVDM
Windows" program that you see, but a true new (copied) DOS virtual machine
that is NOT running Windows (unlike VM 0, that is running Windows). In my
belief, NTVDM is a WinNT program.

a) at least in the beginning, there existed SCSI drives without Win95
> drivers where the DOS driver was loaded in CONFIG.SYS. Win95 tried to
> detect these disks by bouncing protected mode INT13 to real mode
> INT13. if this came back unchanged, the 32Bit code was used - as
> intended in the first place. But still 16 Bit drivers had a chance.
Interesting, I didn't know this. Any other 16bit stuff that Windows was
forced to use?

> b) programs doing direct I/O, like every COM handler *had* to do. this
> was entirely up to the DOS program, with no support from Win95.
Wouldn't VCOMD do this? (just asking).

> But in the end, Win95 was the most stable DOS  environment ever.

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