
First, a short note to Dave, Mercury and Random: You can safely
ignore the mails with "[OT]" in the subject, as the thread has
been forked to keep faith and BIOS separate topics. Thanks :-)


"The Discovery Institute (DI) is a politically conservative
non-profit think tank based in Seattle, Washington, that
advocates the pseudoscientific concept of intelligent design
(ID). It was founded in 1990 as a non-profit offshoot of the
Hudson Institute. Its "Teach the Controversy" campaign aims to
permit the teaching of anti-evolution, intelligent-design beliefs
in United States public high school science courses in place of
accepted scientific theories, positing that a scientific contro-
versy exists over these subjects when in fact there is none"

That perfectly matches the statement in Felix' signature.

"The Hudson Institute is a politically conservative[8] American
think tank based in Washington, D.C. It was founded in 1961 in
Croton-on-Hudson, New York, by futurist, military strategist,
and systems theorist Herman Kahn and his colleagues at the RAND

"Critics question the institute's negative campaigning against
organic farming, since it receives large sums of money from
conventional food companies."

"The New York Times accused Huntington Ingalls Industries of
using the Hudson Institute to enhance the company's argument
for more nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, at a cost of US$11
billion each. The Times alleged that a former naval officer was
paid by Hudson to publish an analysis calling for more funding."

Sounds a bit like a place where people can buy their own truth,
while as far as I know, nobody makes profit from the promotion
of evolution as state of the art in origin of species science.

Sure it gets harder to measure things as they get more far away
in space and time. Yet evolution is also happening in regions
where it is easier to observe and humans have become quite good
at extracting good quality measurements from hard to get sources.

There actually is a philosophically interesting Futurama episode
about evolution and intelligent design, related to the idea that
any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
magic. So you could still say the evolution that we SEE behaves
like what we teach about evolution without excluding the chance
that it STARTED in some magic or divine way. However, intelligent
design is a much weaker claim than "evolution is just something
people believe". The latter would also imply that evolution is
not happening at all. You know, the usual "static" approach of
"Species always were what they are now, there is no change over
time in them and they all have been invented by a deity" etc.



> Galileo, Bacon, Pascal, Newton,
> Kepler, Leibniz and more were Christians.

How is that related to the question whether evolution exists?
Humans can know a lot - including that evolution DOES exist -
while still being free to decide whether or not they believe
into a non-observable divine cause of anything the can or can
not measure. So saying "there is evolution going on" is really
based on observation, not "indoctrination". It does not, however,
necessarily make any statement about how it started and nobody
is suggesting to abandon religion.

Regarding the issue of dinosaurs having been unknown, or called
dragons or other mythical things, how is that related to whether
evolution exists? Cavemen did not have the technology to wonder
about them, but that does not make dinosaurs exist any less. And
they were not having dinos as pets either, as they have died out
before humans existed. Similar to Egyptian drawings not showing
astronauts, caveman drawings do not show alive dinosaurs. If they
would, how would you explain the age difference in cavemen versus
dinosaur skeletons? And where would you say dinosaurs LIVE today?

If you are interested in alive dragons, visit a Komodo Dragon.
Those lizards do have some dragon-like properties, but they are
not dinosaurs either - too "modern" species for that.

Regards, Eric

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