On 3/30/2021 6:51 AM, TK Chia wrote:
Hello Rugxulo,

Honestly, he's been known as "very eccentric" for many years. I don't
think anybody is surprised. He has opinions and voices them (whether
unpopular or not). You know what they say about opinions, right?
Everyone has one.

Well, I happen to lurk around on the GCC mailing list.  The impression I
am getting is that the issue might be much larger than just "someone
having unpopular opinions": e.g.
https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/gcc/2021-March/235161.html . Myself, I am
not sure what to think of it all.

Well, RSM is just all around one miserable excuse of a human being. The basic issue at hand isn't that much his "unpopular opinion" about how HE thinks open source software should be handled, but a much more society related issue, something he has been shown to be at odds with for a long time. The key issue that got him kicked out of the FSF two years ago (as well as forced out of MIT!) was to suggest that those underage victims of Eppstein that his chum Minsky had been playing with did so "willingly", thus downplaying statutory rape as an "old man sport"...

Stallman said that “the most plausible scenario” was that Epstein’s victim “presented herself to [Marvin Minsky] as entirely willing.”
"Stallman cast doubt over the use of the term “sexual assault”"

Stallman also described the distinction between a 17 or 18 year old victim as a “minor” detail, and suggested that it was an “injustice” to refer to it as a “sexual assault.”

Someone who as a public person makes comments like this is just one of the most despicable persons. There are no two ways about it. And if someone doesn't understand this issue at hand is part of the problem... 🙁


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