Hello Rugxulo,

but that doesn't mean he should be heavily punished. Just because someone
doesn't agree with him, even if he speaks egregious words, doesn't mean he
should be destroyed. I reject that kind of irrational anger (especially

You cannot have it both ways.  Either opinions are harmless --- then Mr.
Stallman has no reason to fear what others say about him --- or we
acknowledge that expressed opinions sometimes can, and do, have power.

I would also disagree with the suggestion that this is just some "drama"
in some faraway place that will never affect us, so we can just "ignore" it.

In practical terms, I am especially worried that I might have to pore
over the Codes of Conduct of conferences to look for hidden gotchas.
Because there is the claim that "speakers or audience members may be
subject to verbal or even other types of harassment"
(https://wwahammy.com/on-safety-at-libreplanet/) just by attending one
of FSF's conferences.  The "drama" does not affect us, until it does.

Thank you!

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