> how would MKEYB detect that code point 213 represents dotless i or
> €, or what the correct code point for € is in the new selected
> codepage? and how about äÄáàâÁÀÂ?

The same way it knows that Code Point 213 is the Euro symbol in Code Page 858 
-- by the programmer (you) doing the research and building the appropriate 
logic into the program.

> a pop up messagen Box "you have choosen to change the codepage, so €
> no longer looks like €" ?

That is certainly one possibility.  You could put a table of Layout/Code Page 
information in the MKEYB documentation.  You could have a command-line option 
in MKEYB that lists all the supported Layout/Code Page relationships.  You 
could talk a little bit about Code Pages and DISPLAY and MODE CON CODEPAGE and 
... in the documentation.  You could mention that there are other possibilities 
besides MKEYB that are more comprehensive, but MKEYB uses less memory because 
it specifically isn't comprehensive.  At installation time, it could detect the 
current Code Page (that's pretty easy to do) and if it's the wrong one, do 
something like, "The GR keyboard layout will only work correctly with Display 
Code Page 858 but you are currently using Display Code Page 437.  As a result, 
some characters typed from the keyboard may be displayed incorrectly on the 
screen.  Are you sure you want to continue installing MKEYB?"

You could do any or all of those things, and there are probably other 
possibilities as well.

> in fact MKEYB already warns the user by showing a  ý if the wrong
> codepage is selected.

A warning is something that happens before there is a problem, not after.  
MKEYB can know ahead of time that there will (or at least may) be problems.  
The user seeing the wrong thing appear on the screen with no explanation from 
MKEYB is not a warning.  It may make the user think DOS is "broken" when it's 
not, or that they did something wrong when they didn't.  MKEYB did the wrong 
thing, not the user.

> in fact an american who has never seen an international US-ASCII
> keyboard (or even an Euro note) is probably not the right person to
> argue here.

When you don't like the message, you shoot the messenger?  What we're talking 
about here is a much larger issue than the Euro symbol -- the Euro symbol is 
just a specific example we can use to discuss the larger issue.

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