On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 2:56 AM Ivan Ivanov <qmaster...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Laptops with FreeDOS / Linux instead of Windows - are really valuable!

To whom?

Dell offered systems through Walmart a while back that did not have
Windows per-installed.  They dropped the offer.  The systems without
Windows did not *sell*.  (If you are Dell, selling through Walmart,
"sales" will be measured in  tens of thousands of systems. If you
aren't selling that sort of volume, you stop trying to do it that

The market for such a system is too small for a major computer
manufacturer to bother with.

> At least because the price of the Win license is included in the
> laptop price, and nobody in their right mind wants to pay an extra $30
> for this glitchy "air". I'd spend these $30 on a RAM upgrade, or
> donate these $30 to some open source software - to make this world a
> better place, instead of filling the greedy M$ pockets.

The savings is not significant in terms of the total cost of the
machine. I don't know offhand what MS charges PC makers for bundling
Windows on new PCs.  But let's go with $30.  If you are looking at
laptops, it's easy to spend $3K on a machine without pushing hard.
That Windows license is *1%* of the cost of the machine

Note that Windows in no longer a major component of MS's revenues.
Yes, Windows and Office are still decent slices of their business, but
the real money these days is in gaming and cloud services.  Azure is
*huge* for Microsoft.  They are competing in that space against Amazon
AWS services, Oracle, and Google.  (And Office is shifting to the
cloud.  MS is pusing Office 365 hard, as  subscription based cloud
service  Depending on who you are and what you do, you may not *need*
a local installation of Office on your PC.0

And no, MS is not being "greedy".  I'll spare everyone a lecture on
the financial markets and why things work the way they do.  I'll
simply state that MS has reasons for its behavior that are driven *by*
the financial markets..

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