On 7/12/2022 7:21 PM, Rugxulo wrote:

On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 9:25 PM Ralf Quint <freedos...@gmail.com> wrote:
And that version, just when the switch to Go32 was being made, should be
a good starting point for a 16bit compiler, generating 16bit Borland
Pascal compatible code. Not sure if there is enough info still around to
make it even TPU compatible. It would be different from the goal set
back then, and not sure if Florian would still have that source code
(that was well before SourceForge and Github).
You could always use FST Modula-2, it's 16-bit (host and target):

* https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/devel/modula2/fst/

I've been playing with it (again), it's not bad. It also has a smartlinker.

(But no sources available.)

I personally could care less about the source for FST available or not. I don't see the point in using any Modula-2 compiler, when I have the full package of Borland Pascal 7.


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