> On at 2022-07-17 13:32 -0400, Travis Siegel wrote:
> >[..]
> > I remember when opendos was released as opensource, (I have a copy of it
> > around here somewhere), but I thought DRDOS was released as freeware
> > sometime after that, though I don't remember where I might have seen
> > that.  I do not have a copy of that, though until recently, I did have a
> > copy of original floppy distribution of DRDOS, but that got lost in our
> > most recent move (or perhaps that was novel dos which is essentially
> > opendos now that I think of it).
> >[..]
> > Am I barking up the wrong tree, or is this just me misremembering things?

On Sun, Jul 17, 2022 at 3:45 PM C. Masloch <pus...@ulukai.org> wrote:
> You aren't entirely right. There was the "OpenDOS" release, aka "Caldera
> OpenDOS Machine Readable Source Kit (M.R.S) 7.01". It was redistributed
> by the EDR-DOS project at drdosprojects.de (now down but the Wayback
> Machine has the page [1]). This was "open" in name only though, and not
> accepted as Open Source by the OSI nor Free Software by the FSF (nor by
> me). The LICENSE.TXT file in this archive has some choice decisions like
> these:

Correct. The "OpenDOS" license was a "look but do not touch" license.
It put a lot of restrictions on anyone who studied it. It was a very
bad license.

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