Hi All
Some feedback. Creating a 2G image allowed me to assemble source code correctly. The only penalty being speed. About 6 to 11 times slower than running DOS under XP. I mounted the image and copied source files from backup directory to mounted C: drive. Lubuntu Linux error on boot up resolved. QEMU-KVM had crashed on two occasions and logs created in the /dev/crash directory. Deleting the log files in /dev/crash removed the error message on start up.

I used "mount" instead of "guestmount". Steps below.

Display start sector and sector size:
$ fdisk -l dos.img
Eg. 63 and 512 bytes. Offset = 63 * 512 = 32256

Create directory:
$ mkdir /tmp/dos

Mount image in directory:
$ sudo mount -o loop,offset=32256 dos.img /tmp/dos

Copy directories:
$ cp -r /temp/source-dirĀ  /tmp/dos

Unmount image:
umount /tmp/dos


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