On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 10:00 AM, Alexander Bokovoy via FreeIPA-devel
<freeipa-devel@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
> On ke, 14 helmi 2018, Alexander Koksharov via FreeIPA-devel wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Please take a look on a design page here:
>> https://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Authselect_migration
>> I would like to
>> hear you critics and suggessions.
> Thanks!
> One note I have is about authconfig arguments. We gather them together
> and launch only one authconfig command. There is, I believe, a
> conceptual difference when you run authconfig with all options in a
> single line and as separate executions so you'd get different
> configurations.
> This may be subtle on a first view but we need to ensure that an
> authselect replacement would continue to provide the same configuration
> in the end.
> I assume you are going to add actual authselect part later.

Hi Lex,

I'll comment the use cases part later and now will focus on the change
itself as I don't have much time to write this.

I like the way how you described the old algorithm. It is quite easy
to read and understand. I miss a bit the same for the proposal. You
have written the proposal but I'm not sure if I understand it

Is the proposal in pseudo code something like following?

authselect would be required by FreeIPA on Fedora
authconfig would be removed as required

if has_authselect and sssd then:
   client installer updates /etc/sysconfig/network with NISDOMAIN
   if mkhomedir then
       authselect select sssd with-mkhomedir
       authselect select sssd
   raise "not supported configuration ..."

if has_authconfig:
   raise "not supported configuration ..."

Petr Vobornik

Associate Manager, Engineering, Identity Management
Red Hat
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