On 07/27/2012 11:18 AM, Petr Viktorin wrote:
The nitpicks continue. None of the things in this mail are holding up
the patch, consider it more of a discussion about good practices. (I'm
assuming you're interested.)

       elif isinstance(val, (list, tuple)):
-        new_list = []
-        n = len(val)
-        i = 0
-        while i < n:
-            v = val[i]
-            if isinstance(v, str):
-                new_list.append({'__base64__' : base64.b64encode(v)})
-            else:
-                new_list.append(json_encode_binary(v))
-            i += 1
+        new_list = [json_encode_binary(v) for v in val]
           del val
           return new_list

You might as well remove the `del val`s.

Agreed, it baffled me as to why they were there in the first place. There are few other del's that need to be removed as well. I made the change.

-Concatenation and In-Place Addition:
+Concatenation, In-Place Addition, Insetion:



In the giant comment in ipapython/dn.py:
But in general I think lengthy explanations of Python's behavior ...

Text is removed.

By the way, are you aware that the text in dn.py is not a docstring,
because it's not the first statement in the file?

Good catch, no I missed that.

Line 107 & 127:
       return utf8_codec.decode(val)[0]
       return utf8_codec.encode(unicode(val))[0]
I believe the following would be more readable:
       return val.decode('utf-8')
       return unicode(val).encode('utf-8')

Yes, your suggestion is easier to read, but it's more efficient to
lookup the codec once rather than everytime you decode.

I wouldn't worry about that; lookups are pretty fast -- I'd say
comparable to creating an unnecessary tuple. Of course it's hard to know
without profiling.

Fair enough, it's been changed.

Line 354:
We have a case-insensitive dict class, why not use it here?

Excellent suggestion, it's been changed.

Please also change the use:
          attr_lower = attr.lower()
          syntax = self._SCHEMA_OVERRIDE.get(attr_lower)
          syntax = self._SCHEMA_OVERRIDE[attr]

Good catch, fixed.

Line 406:
           if isinstance(val, bool):
               if val:
                   val = 'TRUE'
                   val = 'FALSE'
               return self.encode(val)
Encoding an ASCII string should be a no-op, why bother doing it?

Not sure what you mean by no-op. Do you mean str(val) would return
either 'True' or 'False'?

In any event we are dependent on the string representation of a boolean
being all uppper-case. Not something I invented.

I meant the `return self.encode(val)`, with val being either 'TRUE' or
'FALSE'. The following should suffice:

             if isinstance(val, bool):
                 if val:
                     return 'TRUE'
                     return 'FALSE'

Sorry for not being clear.

Duh, John smacks his forehead :-) Fixed.

Line 421:
       dct = dict()
       for (k, v) in val.iteritems():
           dct[self.encode(k)] = self.encode(v)
       return dct
       dct = dict((self.encode(k), self.encode(v)) for k, v in

Why do the work of building a list of tuples when it's not necessary?

It's a generator expression, it doesn't build a list.

Good point, changed.

Line 1422:
       self.handle_errors(e, **{})
Wouldn't the following work better?
       self.handle_errors(e, *[{}]*0)

I never liked the way handle_errors was written. The use of the kwds
args is odd, convoluted and hard to understand.

To be honest I can't parse


Sorry, lame attempt at humor.
The **{} doesn't do anything at all, you can remove it.
The keyword arguments in handle_errors are unused, so you can remove
that as well if you want.

Cruft from previous implementation, it's been removed.

John Dennis <jden...@redhat.com>

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