Ahh... okay.

Assumption: We can throw all the servers and keytabs overboard and start
afresh. No restrictions, everyone can get new credentials.

Assumption: We are free to pick domain or a subdomain under the current

Assumption: No AD trust required.

Requirement: ldap lookups must provide results for the primary
company.com domain.

Requirement: IPA must (must as in RFC 2119) be publically available. All
office terminals, remote terminals, customers w/o vpn must be able to
use the services.

Anything against rolling out against auth.company.com (realm & domain),
delegating subdomain and doing SRV records pointing to auth.company.com?

This is even more interesting as I would love to setup this for private
use, but really don't want to get another domain for "just" this.

Thanks :)

On 17/06/2019 15:36, John Keates via FreeIPA-users wrote:
> Ah, that was good to know, you’re converting a plain LDAP + Kerberos
> setup to IPA with integrated LDAP, integrated Kerberos and integrated DNS.
> What’s important to know is that you cannot really cleanly convert that
> as the Kerberos tabs will have to be updated. With such a change,
> updating the kerberos config files is an easy next step.
> Regarding DNS, NAT, KDCProxy, that’s most for if you wanted to do
> kerberos over the internet. Normally, you wouldn’t give an IPA server a
> public IP, so you’d NAT anyway. Natting an additional IP is a small pain
> to add ;-)
> KDCProxy is meant as a kerberos-over-the-web solution where you can use
> kerberos in a somewhat safer way. Regarding the KDC realm: most people
> don’t really care what their ticket principals look like ;-)
> If you have existing DNS, and you must re-use it for some reason, that
> is a more problematic scenario. In those cases it’s easier to just use a
> CNAME of additional A record on your existing DNS and point them to the
> new DNS.
> Say your current setup is:
> ldap.company.com <http://ldap.company.com> for LDAP
> kerberos.company.com <http://kerberos.company.com> for Kerberos
> You could setup IPA with:
> auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com> for everything (LDAP, web,
> KDC, KDC Proxy)
> And then add a CNAME for ldap.company.com <http://ldap.company.com> to
> auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com> for LDAP and a CNAME for
> kerberos.company.com <http://kerberos.company.com> to auth.company.com
> <http://auth.company.com> for Kerberos.
> That way, the client-side config wouldn’t have to change domain names.
> The Kerberos realm would have to change so that’s a configuration you
> have to update anyway, no getting past that.
> Configuring hosts for IPA uses the ipa-client-install script anyway, and
> that script would configure everything automatically anyway, so you
> don’t actually have to mess with the domains anyway. 
> The domains and manual naming of things is only relevant if you have to
> manually configure everything.
> John
>> On 17 Jun 2019, at 14:59, Christian Reiss via FreeIPA-users
>> <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>> wrote:
>> Hey John,
>> Awesome response :)
>> But I am not setting any dns records by hand. I did it *prior* to
>> FreeIPA. We are using naked Kerberos and ldap as-is. So thats where the
>> DNS RR are coming from.
>> Does "Dont run IPA on a domain thats in use" mean "entire domain" or
>> "Subdomain is OK"?
>> kdcproxy.. nat.. does not really sound awesome to be honest.
>> Would a setup on auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com> (realm,
>> domain, etc) have and
>> disadvantages? I could simply add dns srv records from company.com
>> <http://company.com> to
>> auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com>?
>> And it's okay I guess if the host keytabs look like
>>   host/server.company....@auth.company.com
>> <mailto:host/server.company....@auth.company.com>
>> I am slowly getting there :)
>> -Chris.
>> On 17/06/2019 14:06, John Keates via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>> In that case, you’re doing it wrong ;-)
>>> Don’t manually make DNS records, it’s not needed unless you disable the
>>> built in DNS server in IPA. Also, don’t try to run IPA on a domain
>>> that’s in use for something else. Keeping it simple and ’standard’ will
>>> help you a ton here.
>>> For example, if you setup your server like this, all should would
>>> out-of-the-box:
>>> ipa-server-install —domain=auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com>
>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>> <http://AUTH.COMPANY.COM> --setup-dns
>>> (Note: I’d use ds.company.com <http://ds.company.com>
>>> <http://ds.company.com> because auth
>>> suggests it’s just an authentication server, but IPA is a lot more than
>>> dat; then again ds for directory service isn’t a complete picture
>>> either, you’d probably end up with ipa.company.com
>>> <http://ipa.company.com>
>>> <http://ipa.company.com> if you wanted to do it ‘right’)
>>> For public use, I’d suggest using kdcproxy which is designed for public
>>> exposure. It’s supported in IPA.
>>> If you wanted to use separate domain names for TCP/IP communication,
>>> that is not connected to what you set in IPA. So if you have IPA setup,
>>> you can always make an extra DNS record called kerberos.company.com
>>> <http://kerberos.company.com>
>>> <http://kerberos.company.com>, point it to an IP, hand then internally
>>> NAT that IP to any IPA server(s) you want.
>>> John
>>>> On 17 Jun 2019, at 13:58, Christian Reiss via FreeIPA-users
>>>> <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>> wrote:
>>>> Hey John,
>>>> thanks again for a detailed information. I do understand this, but maybe
>>>> I am overthinking it. The current setup (non IPA) is:
>>>> company.com <http://company.com> <http://company.com> Domain name,
>>>> Using kerberos on kerberos.company.com <http://kerberos.company.com>
>>>> <http://kerberos.company.com>.
>>>> SRV & TXT Records all point to kerberos.company.com
>>>> <http://kerberos.company.com>
>>>> <http://kerberos.company.com>.
>>>> All user prinicipals are u...@company.com <mailto:u...@company.com>
>>>> <mailto:u...@company.com>,
>>>> all kerberized
>>>> services/keytabs have a principal of
>>>> host/vm4.company....@company.com
>>>> <mailto:host/vm4.company....@company.com>
>>>> <mailto:host/vm4.company....@company.com>
>>>> What we are aiming for is: A User requests a TGT via
>>>> kinit j...@company.com <mailto:j...@company.com>
>>>> <mailto:j...@company.com> (ignoring default
>>>> realms for a bit) and it would
>>>> receive a TGT from either IPA server issues to
>>>>  j...@company.com <mailto:j...@company.com> <mailto:j...@company.com>
>>>> Servers are in the form
>>>>  host/server.company....@company.com
>>>> <mailto:host/server.company....@company.com>
>>>> <mailto:host/server.company....@company.com>
>>>> Also, things that use ldap want dc=company,dc=com.
>>>> We will not be using any Windows / AD things. Only UNIX/Linux.
>>>> The Services are used in house as well as from around the world
>>>> (public).
>>>> Thanks so much.
>>>> -Christian.
>>>> On 17/06/2019 13:44, John Keates via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>>>> What you are trying to do is possible but not recommended. If you
>>>>> make a
>>>>> distinction between what you want your users to ’see’ and what your
>>>>> domain technically should be you can probably resolve it.
>>>>> For IPA, it’s important that the domain for the built in DNS server is
>>>>> not used. That means: do not use a domain that is in use. Not for your
>>>>> IPA domain and not for the kerberos realm.
>>>>> So, say you have company.com <http://company.com> <http://company.com>
>>>>> <http://company.com> and that is in use and
>>>>> you want to setup IPA. Since it’s in use, you’ll have to start on level
>>>>> down on a subdomain.
>>>>> That means (per your choice AFAIK) that you have to set it all to
>>>>> auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>> <http://auth.company.com> <http://auth.company.com>,
>>>>> both the IPA domain and the
>>>>> kerberos realm. The main zone, company.com <http://company.com>
>>>>> <http://company.com>
>>>>> <http://company.com> doesn’t
>>>>> actually come into play here.
>>>>> Afterwards, if you want to, you could make NS delegations to your IPA
>>>>> server(s) from your main zone.
>>>>> If you can’t make this work out, or if DNS is managed by multiple
>>>>> teams/people, it might be much easier to simply register a second
>>>>> domain
>>>>> just for IPA, remove all of its public zones and just use it inside
>>>>> IPA.
>>>>> So if you have company.com <http://company.com> <http://company.com>
>>>>> <http://company.com> you could use something
>>>>> like company.net <http://company.net> <http://company.net>
>>>>> <http://company.net> if that’s
>>>>> available. Could be
>>>>> confusing for users, so maybe companyauth.com
>>>>> <http://companyauth.com> <http://companyauth.com>
>>>>> <http://companyauth.com> or company-internal.com
>>>>> <http://company-internal.com>
>>>>> <http://company-internal.com>
>>>>> <http://company-internal.com>.
>>>>> The “domain” part in the server setup doesn’t mean anything regarding
>>>>> what your users would type to access your web stuff, that can be
>>>>> proxied
>>>>> and renamed as much as you like to anything else.
>>>>> Something else: what is your goal? Is this IPA setup for internal use,
>>>>> public use, end-users, admin-users, workstations, servers, web
>>>>> applications?
>>>>> John
>>>>>> On 17 Jun 2019, at 11:49, Christian Reiss via FreeIPA-users
>>>>>> <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
>>>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
>>>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
>>>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hey John,
>>>>>> Thanks for a speedy reply! Sure helped a lot understanding, tho a pity
>>>>>> that some clients simply require a "a/cname" and do not look up
>>>>>> any srv,
>>>>>> like pfsense. And your reverse proxy idea is neat.
>>>>>> Just one issue, either technical or lack of understanding:
>>>>>> So I went ahead for the domain company.com <http://company.com>
>>>>>> <http://company.com>
>>>>>> <http://company.com>
>>>>>> (exmaple, using real IPs out
>>>>>> there):
>>>>>> auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> IN NS
>>>>>> and created
>>>>>> srv1.auth.company.com <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com> (
>>>>>> srv2.auth.company.com <http://srv2.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv2.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv2.auth.company.com> (
>>>>>> During setup of srv1 I set:
>>>>>> The IPA Master Server will be configured with:
>>>>>> Hostname:       srv1.auth.company.com
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> IP address(es):
>>>>>> Domain name:    auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> Realm name:     COMPANY.COOM
>>>>>> BIND DNS server will be configured to serve IPA domain with:
>>>>>> Forwarders:
>>>>>> Forward policy:   first
>>>>>> Reverse zone(s):  0.0.10.in-addr.arpa.
>>>>>> WARNING: Realm name does not match the domain name.
>>>>>> You will not be able to establish trusts with Active Directory unless
>>>>>> the realm name of the IPA server matches its domain name.
>>>>>> So:
>>>>>> Server: srv1.auth.company.com <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> Domain: auth.company.com <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> K5    : COMPANY.COM <http://COMPANY.COM> <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>> <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>> Replica adoption failed because auth.company.com
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com> is not company.com <http://company.com>
>>>>>> <http://company.com>
>>>>>> <http://company.com>.
>>>>>> 2nd try, this time:
>>>>>> Server: srv1.auth.company.com <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> <http://srv1.auth.company.com>
>>>>>> Domain: company.com <http://company.com> <http://company.com>
>>>>>> <http://company.com>
>>>>>> K5    : COMPANY.COM <http://COMPANY.COM> <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>> <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>> Primary failed: ERROR    DNS zone COMPANY.COM <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>> <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>> <http://COMPANY.COM>.
>>>>>> already exists in DNS and
>>>>>> is handled by server(s): ns1.ns-serve.net
>>>>>> <http://ns1.ns-serve.net> <http://ns1.ns-serve.net>
>>>>>> <http://ns1.ns-serve.net>.,
>>>>>> ns2.ns-serve.net <http://ns2.ns-serve.net>
>>>>>> <http://ns2.ns-serve.net> <http://ns2.ns-serve.net>.
>>>>>> What would be the right approach here?
>>>>>> Thanks again!
>>>>>> -Chris.
>>>>>> On 17/06/2019 10:10, John Keates via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>>>>>> A HA-aware client would use SRV records to locate the server(s) and
>>>>>>> then connect every returned instance until a working server is found.
>>>>>>> And by using locations you can scope the servers you get back.
>>>>>>> Regarding the single URL: while there are many options, we decided to
>>>>>>> simply register all servers in a load balancer and when you access
>>>>>>> the URL provided by the loadbalancer you simply get redirected to any
>>>>>>> working server.
>>>>>>> Some people prefer no URL redirects and try to solve it using stick
>>>>>>> tables and the likes, but to us that seems like a dirty solution so
>>>>>>> we ditched it after a PoC phase. It works but we don’t want it ;-)
>>>>>>> If you have a special use case, a separate web app that talks to IPA
>>>>>>> can be better, that is what we did for non-tech accounts; a simple
>>>>>>> self-service app that allows you to change your own password and
>>>>>>> manage MFA.
>>>>>>> For everything else (i.e. SSO, SAML etc.) we often use something else
>>>>>>> that talks to IPA, like Keycloak, because the IPA WebUI itself is
>>>>>>> really not going to give a user any useful functionality; it’s more
>>>>>>> of an operator and admin thing.
>>>>>>> John
>>>>>>>> On 17 Jun 2019, at 10:02, Christian Reiss via FreeIPA-users
>>>>>>>> <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
>>>>>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>
>>>>>>>> <mailto:freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hey folks,
>>>>>>>> I just recently began planning the deployment of FreeIPA and have
>>>>>>>> successfully made several test setups.  Next step would be to
>>>>>>>> integrate
>>>>>>>> this in our new datacenter; so we are starting there from scratch.
>>>>>>>> I understand HA on the server side. What boogles my head is HA
>>>>>>>> on the
>>>>>>>> *client* side.
>>>>>>>> For example: Our pfsenses use a LDAP lookup against a single
>>>>>>>> FQDN, and
>>>>>>>> the cert must be valid (against any provided CA). Exporting the CA
>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>> freeIPA and importing that in pfsense is a cake.
>>>>>>>> But what do I point the clients towards? Let's say I have 4 FreeIPA
>>>>>>>> servers:
>>>>>>>> - ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com <http://ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> - ipa02.auth.dc-01.company.com <http://ipa02.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa02.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa02.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> - ipa03.auth.dc-01.company.com <http://ipa03.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa03.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa03.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> - ipa04.auth.dc-01.company.com <http://ipa04.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa04.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa04.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> Realm company.com <http://company.com> <http://company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://company.com>,
>>>>>>>> Kerberos COMPANY.COM <http://COMPANY.COM> <http://COMPANY.COM>
>>>>>>>> <http://COMPANY.COM>. If I point the pfsense (I'll
>>>>>>>> stick to that as an example) against
>>>>>>>> ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com <http://ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://ipa01.auth.dc-01.company.com> and
>>>>>>>> this server is offline, then no HA is given. DNS Delegation might
>>>>>>>> yield
>>>>>>>> *any* of the four servers, including the one offline, so a 25% fault
>>>>>>>> chance in there.
>>>>>>>> Second question, same area: If I want my users to have one
>>>>>>>> single url
>>>>>>>> for the FreeIPA webservice, like auth.company.com
>>>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com>
>>>>>>>> <http://auth.company.com> that follows the above
>>>>>>>> solution then the self-signed and generated certs do not have
>>>>>>>> this as
>>>>>>>> altname.
>>>>>>>> So summed up:
>>>>>>>> - How can I make (ldap) clients access the current online server(s)?
>>>>>>>> - How can I provide access to the webinterace to the current online
>>>>>>>> server(s)?
>>>>>>>> (Or is this simply by the magic of dns zone delegation and pure
>>>>>>>> faith
>>>>>>>> that always an online server will be hit?)
>>>>>>>> Thanks for any advice!
>>>>>>>> -Christian.
>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>> Christian Reiss - em...@christian-reiss.de
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>>>>>>>> "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
>>>>>>>>                                         John Milton, Paradise lost.
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>>>>>> "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
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>>>> Christian Reiss - em...@christian-reiss.de
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>>>> "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
>>>>                                          John Milton, Paradise lost.
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>> -- 
>> Christian Reiss - em...@christian-reiss.de
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>> GPG fingerprint = 9549 F537 2596 86BA 733C  A4ED 44E2 9126 ABCD 43C5
>> "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
>>                                          John Milton, Paradise lost.
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> _______________________________________________
> FreeIPA-users mailing list -- freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to freeipa-users-le...@lists.fedorahosted.org
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 Christian Reiss - em...@christian-reiss.de         /"\  ASCII Ribbon
                   supp...@alpha-labs.net           \ /    Campaign
                                                     X   against HTML
 WEB alpha-labs.net                                 / \   in eMails

 GPG Retrieval https://gpg.christian-reiss.de
 GPG ID ABCD43C5, 0x44E29126ABCD43C5
 GPG fingerprint = 9549 F537 2596 86BA 733C  A4ED 44E2 9126 ABCD 43C5

 "It's better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven.",
                                          John Milton, Paradise lost.

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FreeIPA-users mailing list -- freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org
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