
I am using freeradius-snapshot-20020506 on debian.

I want to use mysql for authorize and accounting. I have been using the users 
file for user/pass and mysql for accounting and now want to move all the 
users/passes to mysql. My question is this: If I do not use groups do I need 
the tables called radgroupreply, radgroupcheck, and usergroup? Or are they 

Here is how I have my users file setup, showing the various types of 
definitions I use:

top of file...

DEFAULT Auth-Type := Local, Simultaneous-Use := 1
        Fall-Through = Yes

#Joe Blow
joe     Password == "blow"
        User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Framed-Protocol = PPP

#John Doe
john    Password == "doe", Simultaneous-Use := 2
        User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Framed-Address =,
        Framed-Protocol = PPP

#Bill Bob
billy   Password == "bob", Simultaneous-Use := 3
        User-Service-Type = Framed-User,
        Framed-Protocol = PPP

more users with similar info...

I would like to use just the radcheck, radreply, and radacct to make things 
simple. I have noticed a few posts where people use the radgroupcheck table 
for the Simultaneous-Use Attribute. I guess I could just make everyone the 
same group, but I just wondered if anyone had some advice/input into this 
idea?? It's not that I cannot add those tables, I would just like to make it 
as simple as possible.


Nick Davis 
Associate Systems Administrator 
Internet Exposure, Inc. 

Web Development-Web Marketing-ISP Services

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