Dear Michael Hare,

Isn't NIS perfect for things like that?

--Wednesday, July 17, 2002, 6:18:33 PM, you wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

MH> Anyone have suggestions on how to authenticate against files on a remote 
MH> system?  Is it even possible?

MH> Scenario:

MH> 1.  Users have account on machine A.
MH> 2.  Radius server runs on machine B.
MH> 3.  It'd be convenient to leverage account info on machine A on machine B.

MH> -Michael

MH> /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
MH> Michael Hare
MH> UW-Madison/WiscNet Network Engineering
MH> My phone: 608-262-5236
MH> 24-Hour NOC: 608-263-4188
MH> WiscNet: 608-265-6761

MH> - 
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