"David C. Troy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Following up on this, testing with NTRadPing with 0.5 I am getting my
> filters returned as 4 separate lines of binary data.

  I've never understood everyone's fascination with NTRadPing.  Try
using 'radclient', which comes with the server.  It will print out the
Ascend attributes in humanly readable form.

> With 0.7 I am getting a single line of binary data that appears to be the 
> same number of bytes as each of the lines in the 4 separate lines of 
> binary data from 0.5.

  So you have 4 Ascend attributes configured, but 0.7 is only sending
one.  'radclient' will tell you WHICH one is being sent.

  Alan DeKok.

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