On Fri, Feb 07, 2003 at 12:27:16AM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> **************** eManager Notification *****************
> The following mail was blocked since it contains sensitive content.
> Source mailbox: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Destination mailbox(es): [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Rule/Policy: Sexual Content
> Action: Quarantine to C:\Program
> Files\Trend\SMCF\Quarantine\2003-02-07\00-27-15.29410
> Content filter has detected a sexual content e-mail.
> ******************* End of message *********************

Nice that you filter that crap out, but it is not the sexual content
I mind, it is the wasted space.  Sending a notice that the sexaully
explicit email was blocked is even MORE irritating.

Michael P. Brininstool                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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