On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 16:17:03 +0100
"Tim Bots" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have freeradius working correct at this moment and now is my
> question how can I enable accounting? I mean: how can I give users
> more or less time / more or less session bytes with freeradius? I use
> freeradius version 0.9.3 running on a p1 with 64 mb memory (I guess)
> with linux slackware. This works perfect. I hope someone can help me,

The only way it's possible that I can think of is by doing some crazy
hackery.  Assuming you get interim accounting updates and monitor these,
when they hit a certain level (which you have defined as your cut off)
you can trigger a user disconnect, and flag them as unallowed, so they
cannot auth again.

But this will require hackery on your part, and a dependence on decent
accounting updates

Graeme Hinchliffe (BSc)
Core Team Member
Zen Internet (http://www.zen.co.uk)

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