an idea: 
turn log_auth_badpass = on and write a shellscript which read out the logfile 
and delete the user who tried to login with a bad pazzword.
i wrote a similar script to delete users by expiring date, using "sed".

ciao marc werner

Am Dienstag, 23. März 2004 08:47 schrieb Tim Bots:
> As I am trying to tell is that my nas CAN disconnect users and block them
> from that time on. The only thing is that freeradius doesn't log this and
> as soon as they are logged out they can login again and the user gets again
> 5 hours. This is not a thing I like. I guess that I have to use a database
> or something to log this.
> I hope someone can help me,
> Tim Bots
Marc Werner

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