someone please correct my config If you have a better way. 1. RADIUS can reply with IP huh...
2. RADIUS can check time, Mbytes, whatever you limit on...
3. IP address can be assigned based on answer to question 2.
4. If they authenticate... let 'em through,
5. If not, send them an IP that is routed into the bit bucket. Give them a nice notice first with a chance to put more $$$ into your bank account.

I use a little iptables/Netfilter rule to redirect that IP to the "monthly renewal page".

this rrrroooooooooooocckkks!

On Sat, 20 Mar 2004 22:03:18 -0700
 "Byron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*
Are you willing to share some of your knowledge on your setup, I would
be very interested in seeing your setup for your lame users I am running
on Slackware 9.0.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of radius
Sent: Friday, March 19, 2004 6:42 PM
Subject: hey

HEY BUBBA Brian Schuetz

If you want commercial support, then buy a commercial product.
You are here because you cannot afford to buy or you can not find a
better product.
You ask a really stupid question, you deserve a really stupid answer.
You should be thanking Dekok for services donated and haveing to put up
with our stupid human questions.
Many times the answer is in your face (the files README and all that

Did not anybody teach you any manners, perhaps when your mouth is open
your ears are closed.
Just think how much you could learn if kept your mouth shut and
I sit here 48 years old and no formal education tackled radius about two

years ago.Was up and running in production in no-time.Now I can config a

radius server from scratch in no time flat.I love my radius, I have it conigured to give the lame user an IP then iptables takes over and -j redirect's to my special deadbeat user's "Twighlight Zone" Page You need
to pay your bill!) then my two minute Session time out Drops them like a
hot potatoe"
FreeRadius RULZ Bubba and my freeradius is better than yours...HA !
What University are you attending? Maybe the Dean can just hand me my Diploma...HA! How much are you paying for yours...HA!

Sorry list, I sat back and watched for a year or so...but it was simply irresistable.

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