From: Steve OBrien
Sent: Thursday, 1 April 2004 9:17 AM

> No offense Alan but how many developers are supporting this project?

*puts his hand up*

> This list is pretty devoid of help, sad because it is such a cool
> project with so much potential.

Devoid of help? I see lots of lively discussions on here... I'm a
_developer_ and people have jumped in with help for an area I've
never played with before (EAP)

And of course, it's not just developers who can help. This list is
full of people who are using FreeRADIUS, including people in very
whacky setups such as Cygwin and FreeBSD (Hi guys!).

And then there's the mailing list archives. Years of experience,
bundled up into a whackload of webpages. Thank goodness for Google!

Was there an incident recently that prompted this comment?

Paul "TBBle" Hampson
Bubblesworth Pty Ltd (ABN: 51 095 284 361)

On a sidewalk near Portland State
University someone wrote `Trust Jesus', and
someone else wrote `But Cut the Cards'.

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