Is it easy convert? I did a google search to find out about converting IIS certificates to Apache and all the results I got back made it sound like rocket science.

Anyway, what's special about the cert is that Winblows XP clients require it to have a special extended key usage attribute. The scripts in the Freeradius source distribution that generate a self signed cert include the attribute during the signing phase.

On Apr 15, 2004, at 3:23 PM, Michael Griego wrote:

On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 15:27, Bob McCormick wrote:
Verisign has a special form for getting "WLAN
Certificates", but they're specific to IAS, so I'm not sure how  well
that cert will work on a Unix platform.

What's so specific about it? I haven't done this yet, but I was
planning on doing this myself. An X.509 cert is an X.509 cert. Since
they're marketing it for IAS (note the terminology, marketing it for IAS
as opposed to "IAS specific"), it's likely going to be encoded in DER
format (as opposed to PEM). In this case, it's easy using the openssl
utility to convert from one form to the other.



Michael Griego
Wireless LAN Project Manager
The University of Texas at Dallas

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