On Thu, 2004-04-15 at 17:48, Bob McCormick wrote:
> Is it easy convert?   I did a google search to find out about 
> converting IIS certificates to Apache and all the results I got back 
> made it sound like rocket science.

Basically, when you get your certificate from Verisign, it will likely
be in DER format and named somecertificate.cer.  To change it, you need
to do the following:

openssl x509 -in somecertificate.cer -inform DER -out

> Anyway, what's special about the cert is that Winblows XP clients 
> require it to have a special extended key usage attribute.   The 
> scripts in the Freeradius source distribution that generate a self 
> signed cert include the attribute during the signing phase.

OK, I see what you're saying.  There's nothing really "special" about
the certificate.  Yes, you have to have the extended usage stuff, but
the cert you get from Verisign will already have that in there.  When
you do the conversion, the extended usage attributes will carry over. 
It's not really rocket science.  Really. :)



Michael Griego
Wireless LAN Project Manager
The University of Texas at Dallas

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