You may want to wait for 1.0, to come out. There have been significant updates in
cvs since 0.9.3 was frozen.

I have been helping a little with the development, but I am still using a version of
Cistron I customised to account to PostGreSQL. I have an R&D M/C that I do all
the testing on, so I don't have to worry about comprimising my main servers.

Bob Ross wrote:

Is there any documentation on the migration process from Cistron 1.6.6 to

Slackware 9.1 kernel 2.4.22

I downloaded and extracted FreeRadius 0.93, configured/compiled with no
errors. Did not yet do a make install yet because I wanted to make sure.
This is a production server and can't risk a major outage. I would like to
have both running until I'm sure all the processes are running as they
should be. Like running freeRadius on port 1812/1813.

I'm also looking for examples to also setup to do both PAP and CHAP, and
have the CHAP use mySQL.

Examples of the database structure, and anything else that could be used to
make this work in a few days.

I have mySQL 4.0.18 and PHP4 installed and running. Have never used mySQL,
but told this would be the best thing for me to make this work as painless
as possible.

I looked in the sql examples but not sure yet on how to make the databases
and how to read what I need to do to make radius read them and use them.

Is there any programs that will update the mySQL if a user is removed from
the system files, or added to the system files automatically?

Sorry for all the questions, but I was tossed right in to this. Our
wholesaler first said PAP would be used, and we got everything started
ought/paid for and we find out after that it's CHAP and were not setup.

If someone would also like to quote a cost to help set up with instruction
by e-mail or yahoo messenger, I would entertain that idea right now also.

This has already cost us more than I care to think about right now and have
almost no hair left to pull, and the eyes are getting more red as the days
pass. Had to put on glasses because it's becoming a blur. I'm spending 18
hours a day in front of this thing and have just about lost it.

Bob Ross

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