"Bob Ross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The big difference I asked almost the exact same help, and received no
> replies except if I wanted to get help to get mine working it was going to
> cost 3 books and shipping cost over seas. Or reference to the web site.

  Try asking *different* questions.  Maybe no one understood you.

  Be persistent, but don't post the *same* questions again.  If no one
answered the first time, odds are no one will answer a re-post.

  Make your questions descriptive.  If people have to spend 10 minutes
trying to figure out what you mean, or what you're doing, they're no
going to respond.

  This isn't to say those were your mistakes.  But the majority of
questions I ignore are ones where I can't even begin to figure out
what people are doing.  I could go back and forth asking them to
explain themselves, or I could just delete their message, and answer a
message where someone else *did* explain what they were doing.

  Alan DeKok.

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