Hello Alexander,

Monday, April 19, 2004, 1:49:22 PM, you wrote:

AL> Hello Milver,

AL> Monday, April 19, 2004, 1:30:05 PM, you wrote:

>>>   I need to create a check attribute depending on how much seconds or
>>>   octets user have. Ideal, i would like to equate reply attribute to a
>>>   newly created check attribute or to turn reply to check attribute. I
>>>   need this to differentiate users by their limits and give them
>>>   ip addresses from a different networks, so i can manage their
>>>   connections with firewall. I already posted this question here
>>>   (subject "different pools for user with and without traffic"), but
>>>   have no answers. All i need is that i could write in 'users' file
>>>   something like this:
>>> DEFAULT Check-Traffic-Limit <= 0, Pool-Name := "illegal_pool"
MSN>> you might want to use groupings with your database. so replies
MSN>> sent depends on the user groups an account belongs to.
MSN>> if an account belongs to subnet1, you could sent them the group attributes
MSN>> such as
MSN>> specific IP for them, traffic limit, framed-mtu, protocol, expiration,
MSN>> compression and more...

AL>      Well, it doesn't matter how it will work. Then i need to split
AL>      users in two groups - one with some traffic left and  another
AL>      with zero or negative traffic value and then give them different
AL>      addresses from different pools according to the group names. But
AL>      how can i do it dinamically? I mean, value of traffic is
AL>      calculating when user login, so if he have no octets left, he
AL>      must have address from network, and if he have
AL>      some octets left, he must have address from
AL>      network. So, the main question is - where and what should i write
AL>      to make this scheme work?

         Nobody knows, how to do that? Is it possible at all to assign
         value to check attribute? Maybe rlm_perl (which i never
         used and have not found any docs)?

         Please, help me or say it is not possible.

Best regards,
 Alexander                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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