Bob Ross wrote:

What is funny, whit checking the diffs on the files, the only thing
different is in the users file and used the prozy.conf this time also.

I was trying := System or := Local, or == Local. == System, or local on

But they were always the same also on the Fall-Through either both yes or 1,
this was the only time I tried different, but if it works. I had asked about
this once before, and was told it didn't make a difference what they were,
but maybe they did.

Any ideas if this really could have caused my hang up?

DEFAULT Auth-Type = System
Fall-Through = yes

DEFAULT Auth-Type = Local
Fall-Through = 1

Do NOT use Auth-Type at all, it is not needed for most situations.

If you are trying to use authenticate from SQL it most certainly will
cause you grief if it is used.

There is tons of information in the archives on this subject, and it
usualy boils down to : Do NOT use Auth-Type .

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